Is it true?
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07-26-2012, 05:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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In matters of ikhtilaf, the adoption by the hakim, or khalifah, is the one followed in public and private by believers. In matters such as ibaadat wherein there are differences, the hakim may adopt a position and ulama of differing opinions are to follow it. The wise ruler avoids making too many adoptions which can stifle and suffocate ijtihad and Islamic thought.
Hence, khalif Abu Bakr
rendered an adoption on talaq/divorce which ended the disagreements. Later, ummaya khalifa approached Imam Malik (rh) to adopt his Muwatta for application throughout the Islamic state, but he refused, saying that it was unwise and contrary to development in thought(ijtihad).
The Ottoman sultanate was not known for advancing ijtihad and Islamic thought. If they adopted a four madhadhib cyclical approach, it was likely an accomodating measure and future haakim and the Islamic state may not adopt such in the future.
Allah knows best.
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