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Old 07-25-2012, 12:55 PM   #5

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Dear Brother SASLAMS and Brother abdulwahhab, Assalaamoalaikum

Jazakallah for your input.

I have been always attending Hanafi musjids in general, and musjids of other tendencies from time to time. I have never come across this practice.

It all started from the moment a young Hafiz landed at the masjid (Hanafi) I mentioned in my OP, for Tarawih - and he comes from India. So that confirms what Brother abdulwahhab has said. He must be of the extreme Barelwi tendency. In my country, up to now there is no Salaawat even prior to Azaan. After Azaan, yes - BUT that is on an individual basis.

When Salaawat is recited before Iqama, it is made compulsory as everyone present is, in a way, made to participate - whether one likes it or not. Thus it becomes Bid'a. Making a non-obligatory practice compulsory somehow, makes that practice Bid'a.

For 1433 years, Iqama has been read (with a certain variation depending upon madhab) in a certain way. Suddenly, someone decides that it should be preceded by Salaawat upon the Holy Messenger(SAW). The problem here is that we should look at it in a long term perspective. Do mark my words - extremism will sooner or later declare that it is commendable (not only permissible) to read Salaawat in between Thana and Surah Faaatiha, or before and after bowing and before and after sujood. This is where we are going. And thus, this new practice has to be stopped at embryonic stage.

I told the Imam not to use love of the Holy Messenger(SAW) as a pretext to commit Bid'a. In fact we are committing Bid'a on his (SAW) behalf. That simply cannot be.

There is ample time in between end of Sunnah and time for Fard prayers to send Blessings and Salaam on the Holy Messenger(SAW). We don't have to wait for Iqama to do that.

Once more, Jazakallah for your input.

Brotherly yours

I don't think we can call it bid'ah outright unless someone is being forced to say it (i.e. being told it is fardh/wajib) or being told that it is sunnah (it isn't, according to the Hanafi madhhab). The bid'ah aspect is the wording of the salawaat because in the Arabic I have written earlier, Rasoolullah is being directly addressed, as if he is witnessing the salawaat. If someone is being forced to say it or if someone is saying that it is sunnah to do so (and that person is a Hanafi), then it would be bid'ah or if the words are against the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, such as directly addressing Rasoolullah as if he is haazir/naazir, then it would also be a bid'ah.
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