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Old 04-21-2012, 11:46 AM   #17

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Oct 2005
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wait, what?
sorry going off topic but can anyone do tafseer or just scholars? what exactly is a tafseer bir raye?
i'll delete the posts once you answer them so the thread doesnt get derailed.
No need to delete the post.
I did have faint feeling that this recommendation will not go through unquestioned.
Indeed some care has to be exercised while taking your Tafseer from Dr Israr Ahmed (RA).
I like his presentation but I do stand corrected by 'Ulama on each and every point on which Dr Israr Ahmed (RA) deviates. My personal feeling is that the points will not be too many and not very serious. But again I do stand corrected by our respected 'Ulama.
In this context some people will assert that let us restrict ourselves to exegeses like Ma'arif-ul-Qur'an.
And the suggestion is indeed a good one.
But there is one aspect of modern life that can not be ignored, that should not be ignored and that need not be ignored. It is science and technology.
It can not be ignored because Allah (SWT) asks us to ponder or the creation and this pondering inevitably leads to science and technology.
It should not be ignored because others have used it to put Islam ind Muslims in corner.
It need not be ignored because by the Grace of Allah (SWT) we Muslims have enough scientists and engineers in the Ummah with suitable competence that, Lord willing, we shall not be overwhelmed in our Deen by science and technology.
In view of this it is natural that we benefit from scientific advancements in our exegeses too. And when I say that I do not mean that we should have the best printing facilities. We should have them and we do have them - like the Saudi Qur'an Printing Complex. What I am saying that we should incorporate scientific revelations into our understanding of the Noble Qur'an. And even this idea is not terribly original. It is well known that Razi's exegesis is less tafseer and more astronomy. Clearly the task has to be carried forward.
Dr Israr Ahmed, in my view, was one of those who did carry it forward.
And, like many users at SF, brother Uber-Mensch does have a feeling and inclination, in my miserable opinion, for things take advantage of modern sciences. Thus for me it was a natural choice to mention Dr Israr Ahmed.

Slightly long winding but I hope that I have put my point across.

@Saaalik and Syamuj,
for your kind words. May Allah (SWT) keep us firm on the straight path by holding us by our forelocks.

Akhi those are the type of things that I was aiming at. People in psychology say that man's struggle for psychological maturity is the grandest battle and many people do take this battle. It is true that it is a great battle except for one qualification. The grandest battle is to recognize the purpose of life and that is what Islam is about. Battle for Ma'arifah is the biggest one. Ma'arifah leads to understanding of the Noble Qur'an - the word of God. And this is a book that would have crushed a mountain if it were to descend on it. What battle can thus be more difficult and magnificent than your journey towards God?
Soulofpostar is offline


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