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Old 06-15-2009, 01:26 AM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Yes thats what i mean. Raising money for say a hospital whos services everyone uses would be something very positive to do. It'll give a good image of the muslim community contributing positively towards the wider community and not just themselves and as its a hospital it would also class itself as helpiing the sick.

When non-muslims see that muslims are contributing towards bettering their area/society believe me its a massive dawah. Even if it doesnt spark a fire of curosity about Islam in them at the least they wont, inshallah, have as harsh a attitude (or may even have a positive attitude) towards Muslims. However our primary intention should be to please Allah by helping the local community and as a bonus have the intention for dawah by actions. I remember when the floods in Glos happened some years back the masaajids of leicester went down there with a huge lorry full of bottled water for everyone.

Many of our UK muslim communities are very isolated and hardly ever or never do such things to contribute to the wider society - kinda like we live totally in our own little worlds. Many dont see such things as rewards/hasanah infact most would probably say "oh they have taxpayers money for that why should we give" nevering seeing the bigger picture or the short and long term benefits.

Imagine people sitting on a bench or kids playing on swings with plague (spelling?) saying "Donated by Masjid e XXX" or "Donated by the muslim commnuty of XXX" = the feeling people, muslims or non-muslims, will get when they read that.

theres a white revert brother (linked with tassuwuf) who used to give talks pre qutba on Friday in the city in London. The brother works in the city with full sunnah, beard and imamah (turban). Along with his work within his local muslim community about 6 or so hours per month he gives free time to teach Maths at local community centres and even a chruch community hall now and then (as others have come to know of his kidmat). Im not saying go to church to do such and such but the benefit (and behavioural dawah) that brother gives to the kids (and their parents) - both muslims and non-muslims - is unmeasurable.

Bottom line is we live here, have for decades and probably will for decades more. Regardless of faith we & our kids and everyone else walk the same streets, play in the same parks, use the same hospitals and medical services, etc surely contributing postively to better our wider surroundings/society is a huge plus plus for everyone.
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