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Old 07-26-2012, 01:46 AM   #32

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The fact that the narration of eight rak’ahs was narrated by Imam
Malik from Sayyiduna ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him)
and he (Imam Malik) still chose twenty, thirty-six or fourtyonerak’ahs
further weakens this narration.[29] Another
weakening factor for this narration is that there are no other
references from the Companions and Followers which support
this version of eight rak’ahs.[30]

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Yeah, thats what I'm saying. Imam Malik believed in 20 rakaah taraweeh but some narrations mention more (such as 41) because they include the extra nawaafil rakaah he prayed because he knew the jamaah in Makkah did tawaaf after every four units of taraweeh (so he would make four extra units each time) which put the total rakaah's to 36 (which explains some narrations claiming 36 rakaah) and other narrations would include the witr to this total also (which explains the narrations stating 41 rakaah)

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