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Old 07-15-2011, 06:41 AM   #18

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but like i said in my first post, they wont listen or change they just think they are right.
Asalamoaliykum Brother!

Subhan'Allah, I went through the exact same thing a few years ago, however just a little different but more or less the same. I'll explain what it was and what I did and how I am now. Hopefully it may help you also, insha'Allah.

My family:-
My mums side are proper Sunni Hanafi's, which is all good, masha'Allah and they all offer their Salaah's, however due to my dad and his family, the only thing she doesn't do is wear hijab, rest she does. Dad doesn't like it. As for dad, his thinking is more like wahabis, he listens to Dr Zakir Naik, he believes that our Aqaa, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasalam was our prophet but he is dead as was human, Naudhubillah. He doesn't offer his Salaah except for Jummah (but he does believe in offering Salaah's, just that he doesn't), however he goes to mazaar, but doesn't believe in Peers. My Grandmother was exactly like my mums family, yet Grandfather was like my dad. My dad's side of the family are so modern and I was like that, my beliefs were like mums but i just never practised.

Anyway 4 years ago, I decided enough is enough and Allah subhana ta'ala guided me, I decided to wear my hijab, I used to be the most craziest girl when it came to music, friends (never went out with no one or smoked or drank), I was very modern. When I decided to wear my hijab, the day i wore it, it was taken off, literally PULLED OFF by my dads side of the family.... I was crying I didn't want to talk to no one. I went through hell. My mum was so pleased but even she was upset for me as to what my dad and his side of the family were doing. They kept calling me names (hijabi, ninja, old woman....list goes on), then I started to hear comments like no one will marry you, you're turning extreme, someone has done magic on you, you are becoming backwards. I also tried to explain how I felt, why I did this, with proof in the most respectful way but it was thrown back on my face. My mum had tried all her life to do the same, but with me my dad and his side of the family just didn't want to accept the change.

Then I had decided to do Hifz of the Qur'an (I was 19 then), they didn't say a word. I would sit down and pray not saying a word, basically I did what I needed to do, but I never asked or said a word in regards to Islam because I knew if I was to say anything, I don't want him/them to get gunnah if they were to say or do anything wrong, it would hurt me tremendously to see what they are doing. But I thought I will do what I need to do to better myself, I deleted all music, all pictures, facebook account (my whole family is on there), I stopped talking to all my guy mates, I only have like 6-7 sisters who I speak to and my fiance. They went even more mad. I still stood strong Alhumdulillah, but I carried on praying RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM, reading books aloud, talking to mum about Islam and everything. So I carried on, and they eventually stopped talking, no arguments, just looked at me, listened, and now after 4 years they ask me questions about what am I doing but WITH INTEREST!

Brother, although this may not work for you, but I feel your pain, I have been through this and I know it really does kill. But you will have to remain quiet, don't talk about anything. Do what you need to do, carry on insha'Allah. And ask Allah Subhana Ta'ala to guide our familes, go down into Sajda after every Salaah and sincerely cry and make Du'aa. And make Du'aa in such a way that 'Ya Rabb, our Aqaa Muhammad Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasalam is our Waseela, for His sake please Aceept my Du'aas'. Believe me since I have started to make Du'aas when saying this and actually meaning it too, Allah Ta'ala has helped me so much. The only thing at the moment I also fear as you do too is about my marriage. They have found an educated, rich person who doesn't practice at all, and the person who I was interested in is a Hafiz too, not educated but masha'Allah he is practising and all, they are not accepting him.

Please just remain focused with your deen, with your Salaah's and another thing, always recite Darood-Sharif. ALWAYS!!!!! Whenever you can, whatever you're doing, recite Darood Sharif. I always recited this one 300 times and then made Du'aa for myself and my family to be guided and to keep me strong.

Qalat heelatii anta waseelati adriknii ya Rasoolallah Sallalahu Alaiyhi wasalam.
The meaning of this is also the same as I mentioned above.

I hope this has helped even a little. May Allah ta'ala guide us all. Ameen Suma Ameen.
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