Parents who are far from Islam and maybe out of it , HELP !!
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07-24-2011, 04:28 PM
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Oct 2005
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Allah swt guide whom He swt wills. My father is stuck in his ways. A whole life gets spent in siding with the wrong, it becomes part of their existence. And no matter what you say, they will always think their way is better. So fear Allah swt as anyone can come under this, even the greatest among us. Shaytaan & our Nafs are constantly fighting us. So always take time out to correct yourself, make sure you don't let pride get involved with your Ibadaah. And that you do your best as a servant to Allah swt, as a child to your parents, good spouse to your partner, a good father/mother neighbor etc.. insha'Allah it will go well for you, I will keep you in my dua's.
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