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Old 07-24-2012, 08:01 AM   #21

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Oct 2005
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You answer is wrong brother and misleading.

Muhammad (pbuh) didn't say not to read the Injils (Bible) or to learn what it's teaching are about.

He just said not to ask the Christians to teach you about the Bible or their doctrine.

Then why would he be angered if Umar was just reading a portion from the Torah? It wasn't as if a Jew was telling Umar to say this or that.

The reason we should not seek guidance in the Bible is because just how the nations that claim to follow the Tawraat and the Injeel are misguided, so have their books been changed by their misguidance - and have become a source of their misguidance as they have become more ubiquitous (remember, the Torah was kept by the Rabbis and the Gospels were kept by the priests in a language only understandable to the clergy; these books became accessible to the laity much later than their original revelation or codification). It is fruitless for Muslims to seek guidance from the Bible. The only reason a Muslim should look and study the Bible is for comparative religion purposes, such as when countering Christian missionary work. Other than that, what point is there when we don't even study our own Qur'an?

The scholars have read the Bible for two reasons only: as a source of history to corroborate stories in the ahadeeth and the Qur'an (and even then, a lot of what is taken from the Bible is not seen as fact) or to counter Christian and Jewish apologetic rhetoric throughout history. The Israeliyaat are stories derived from the Jewish texts to create fuller narratives for stories found in the Qur'an but even then, many scholars would counter any narrative that contradicted the Qur'an (for example, we do not accept the incestuous relationship of Lot and his daughters mentioned in the Old Testament).
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