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Old 07-19-2012, 06:36 AM   #1

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Default 18 degrees suhoor - how exactly will it work

One (big) issue no one seems to have considered is how exactly will they implement this on a day-to-day basis especially for large Masjids. In May and June many masjids were invited to Regents Park masjid to discuss the issue of salaah times. Full minutes of all three meetings are here:

If, for the next approx 6-8 years, 18d suhoor is at nearish 1am and Magrhib average time for those 8 weeks (of persistent twilight) is 9:18 and Esha start time, based on 1hr after Magrhib method for summer, is approx 10:18, that’ll mean tarawi will finish at about 12pm, leaving only 1 hour for suhoor. Even thats being generous as you have to take into account the musallees (usually elderly) praying taravi in the front row of a large Masid with about 1000+ attending Taravi. It’ll take minimum 10mins just to get out (for bigger masjids like East London Masjid and Regents Park it’ll take longer as their tarawi is 1hr 30mins minimum – which is why i think they are very reluctant to go back to 18d). It doesn’t end there. Once you’re outside it take about least 5mins to get to the car and depending where to you live more mins to drive/walk home. Now once home the heats really on you, you have to (a) try to squeeze a decent tahujjud/dua in and (b) finish suhoor 5 mins before the 1am time. How exactly is all that doable for musallees attending a large masjid? I did mention that to a group of ulama known to strongly favour 18 degrees for fajr a couple weeks or so back and got back differing views i.e. some suggested bring Esha forward little earlier, some saying combining Magrhib and Esha (with short break in between i.e. 30/40mins, - though then that means next to no time for iftaar food), or ensuring only 1 para is read each day (probs making up the extra para towards the end). In a nutshell a confusion all around. No idea how it’ll work this Ramdhan for those large masjids in London doing 18d and with suhoor at 1ish.......

So my question again: How will this work in practice for large masjids doing suhoor at 1ish (mainly masjids in the South East of England)

What im NOT asking: the validity of the 18d rule for Fajr. Ive prayed fajr on the 18d time for the past year or two and continue to do so..
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