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Old 07-22-2012, 07:19 AM   #6

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i don't think i will be able to watch sh. hamza yusuf's lectures again.
lahori qadiani and other mirzais are all kaafir.

do not call them ahmadi. it means 'from ahmad', and they consider 'ahmad' to mean the kafir mirza ghulam ahmed qadiani and he stated it was him mentioned in Qur'an. so for them saying 'from ahmad' means that ahmad.
using simple arabic one can call them mirzai and qadiani.
they always insist on calling themselves ahmadi. one should wonder why.

anyone interested in knowing more about this fitnah can read ml. yusuf ludhianvi's tohfa e qadianiat (6 volumes ; first three available online in pdf as far as i know. even first volume should be enough)

is there an english translation available? someone once mentioned there was. it is an excellent book by the sheikh who was martyred. may Allah accept him as shaheed.
exschke is offline


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