“In the initial stages, the leaders of the Jama‘at-i Islami, when asked about their view of [the conflict between] the Qadianis and the Ahrar movement against them, gave the following answers in private meetings: ... ‘4. Even if the question of the Qadianis is clear, the question of the Lahore Ahmadis is not so clear. As they accept Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as only a Mujaddid, it is not right from any aspect to call them kafir.’ Dr. Israr Ahmed (Tahrik Jama‘at Islami, Darul Isha‘at Islamia, Lahore, 1966, pp. 189) __________________________________________________ _ 23 Muharram 1357 A.H. (about 1937), Abul Ala Maudoodi wrote: “From among the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, I also do not consider Qadianis and Ahmadis to be in the same category. I consider the Qadiani group to be excluded from Islam. However, the Ahmadi group is included in Islam. ... We cannot issue a valid verdict of the Shari‘ah against them because they deny the prophethood of Mirza.”