Whispers and Doubts. Help Needed.
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12-27-2008, 05:12 AM
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Oct 2005
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Assalamoalaykum Sister,
I wanted to write a long post, but I found an older thread which covers the same problem as yours, and with many excellent replies that contain what I wanted to say.
Here is that thread:
Please read it and the replies there.
First of all, you ARE a Muslima, you have always been a Muslima, and this is just a trick of Shaytan to attack you and hurt you. A robber only robs the house he knows is valuable, that is why he is attacking you, because your heart contains the treasure of imaan! You ARE a Muslima!
Read the reply of Mufti Muhammed ibn Adam on that other thread: he quotes a hadith as follows:
Sayyiduna Abu Haraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that once a group of people came to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) and asked: “We experience such evil thoughts that it is impossible to bring them on our lips”. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) asked: “Do you really experience these thoughts? Yes, they replied. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) replied: “They are clear signs of faith”. (Sahih Muslim).
So Sister, this Waswasa is just a tactic of Shaytan, and the way you can remove its harm is SIMPLY TO JUST IGNORE IT! Let every thought come and go, but just ignore it. Don't worry about it for one second. That's the trick to defeat this -- JUST DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT -- and it will soon go away because shaytan will see it is not having his desired affect. Trust me on this.
There is a nice book about Waswasa which you can buy here:
I recommend it and you should read it.
Also, there is a good online book here:
which you can print out and read.
Also, I recommend the book of Shaykh Yunus Patel which you can print out from here:
This book is about the whisperings of Shaytaan, and you should print it out and read it carefully. One other thing -- you can write to the Shaykh about your problems, and inshAllah, he will reply to you and help you. He has many people who write to him for guidance and advice and they discuss their problems with him.
May Allah Ta'ala keep you happy and may He protect you. Always be regular in reciting the last 3 surah of the Quran, keep in good company, and keep busy. Find a shaykh you can write to and talk to (like Shaykh Yunus Patel mentioned above) and make dua that Allah Ta'ala removes this from you. Recite the dua frequently: Rabbi inni aouthubika min hamazatish shayateen, wa aouthubiki Rabbi ay yahdhuroon. Which is an Ayat of the Quran in Surah Muminoon, which means: My Lord, I seek protection in You from the suggestions of Satans, and I seek protection in You, my Lord that they be present near me.
And don't forget - ignore it completely.
PS - Sister, you can't completely control the satanic wispering waswasis, but you CAN control your own behaviour, like searching on the Internet or reading articles or books against Islam. Just don't do it. Leave it completely.
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