Assalamu Aleikum, Sister Nabila, I think I've faced the same struggle as you are facing now. Alhamdulillah, my Imaan is growing now. I'm an uni student, I'm in an environment where most people are agnostic or atheists. Reason for this, especially in the west is that it's the current academic culture. If you have faith, you have 'faith-bias'. 'Intelligent people don't believe'. So I often had a debate with my professors (most of them are agnostic) about religion. While having these debates, I had zero knowledge of Islam, so it was not really a good move of me to do this. Most of the questions they raised, I couldn't answer and this lead me to doubt. But Alhamdulillah, to a lot of questions, especially the important ones I've found answers which I find satisfying. - Why is it important to believe even if you are a good person? - Why is there evil in the world? May I ask you, with which questions you are struggeling? Waleikum Salam,