@Ansari my apologies. :)
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07-19-2012, 07:24 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I seek forgiveness too from each and every member, like
You know what the markaz says "kaam ke saath islaah bhi hoti rahegi, kaam karna chohd do ge, islaah bhi khatam hojaayegi" [Your reformation will keep happening when you keep doing the work (steadfastness). If you stop the work, your reformation will also stop] and I'm still a newbie. I'm still a work in progress, please forgive me esp.
, I stand by what I said but perhaps the way I said could have been better, so please forgive me if I've hurt you.
I forgive each and every member but in reality there's nothing to forgive from my side.
Please remember me in your Duas during and post Ramadhan.
You could do Dua like "this guy behind that pluto user-name,
Ya Allah! Ya Raheem! Ya Kareem! Ya Jabbar! Ya Ghaffar! Ya Khaliq! Ya Malik! Ya Mujeeb! Ya Rahman!
1. Grant him barakah in his life,
2. Make him die with absolute Imaan,
3. Make him die in one of the 2 Holy cities or in the path of Allah SWT like Hadrath Abu Ayub Ansari [ra],
4. Grant him ease in this and the next life,
5. Grant him the company of the pious in this life and the company of the Prophet [peace be upon them all] in the next life.
6. Enshroud him in Your mercy.
7. Grant him taufeeq to perform ibadah like THE WAY YOU WANT IT with complete aafiyatt [ease].
8. He is undeserving of any of Your blessings and Your bounties, please make him deserving.
9. Grant him the strength of mind and body to become a Hafiz of the Glorious Quran.
10. Make him a TRUE Da'ee - He just talks a lot, grant him taufeeq to practice upon the teachings.
11. Please accept whatever good deeds he has performed no matter how weak they have been - You know he is weak.
12. There are many more wants he has which he hasn't said yet please fulfill all his halal wishes - You know we have nobody to turn to except You, and we aren't even 1/1000000000000000th strong [in Imaan/Faith and Aamals/Deeds] compared to the blessed Companions [ra] So we need more help than them.
13. Grant him taufeeq to thank You.
14. Please grant him ikhlaas.
15. And last but not the least, grant him complete total full on aafiyatt [ease] in this world and the next.
Summa Aameen.
InshaAllah I'll do Dua for all members and esp. the reverts who are going through tough times in following the religion, and to the members who may be experiencing Sihr etc and also sister
and brother
, and every person all over the world who may be be unsure about or facing opposition to accept the absolute Truth.
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