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Old 08-25-2009, 12:07 AM   #11

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Oct 2005
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Salaam all!

Angeleyez, your dream seems very positive.

In Islam, dreams are categorized into three types.

1) From Satan (bad dreams)
2) From your own self (confused dreams from your own thoughts and experiences)
3) From God (true dreams)

The third type of dream is a true dream, and the difference between the last type and the other two is very clear - it is like starlight and moonlight. It is also confirmed in the hadith (the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him) that whoever sees him in a dream really has seen him, because satan cannot impersonate him.

Sometimes non-believers see the third type of dream because Allah wants to guide them through it. For example, the king at the time of Joseph (the prophet Yusuf, peace be upon him) who had a famous dream about 7 cows and 7 corns etc. And later on this king became Muslim.

If you read the Chapter called Yusuf in the Quran, there are a few dreams mentioned - like the dream of Yusuf himself, and the prisoners he was with, who accepted Islam too, and the dream of the king.

Also, the dream of the Prophet Abraham is mentioned in the Quran, where he was told to sacrifice his son Ismail (peace be upon them both).

Also the dream of the Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, who saw that he entered Makkah and did the pilgrimage there in his dream, is mentioned in the Quran.

It is not so uncommon for reverts to Islam to have good dreams.

There are also some stories mentioned on this site about people who have been guided in this way:


And I personally know about a brother who studied Islam for some time then he saw a dream about the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, after that he converted.

With regards to the specific details in your dream, there is an excellent book called 'Shamail Tirmidhi' which talks all about the Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him) and his physical characteristics. You can read it online here:

There is actually a chapter in that book about the white hair of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and you can read it here:

Here is one hadith from that chapter:

Anas bin Maalik R.A. reports: "I did not count more than fourteen white hair on the head and beard of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam)".

Commentary: Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had very few white hair. There is some disagreement on the actual number. In this narration fourteen hairs are mentioned. In others, seventeen, eighteen, and in some, twenty white hairs are mentioned. This is a minor disagreement. The other ahaadith may have been related at different periods. A difference in the counting may also be possible.

PS - the word 'Rasulullah' used by the author means simply 'Messenger of God' and it refers to Muhammed, peace be upon him. And here is another quote from here:

I really recommend you read that whole page for an excellent description of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

His face was oval-shaped and he had a white complexion with a hint of brown in it. His forehead was broad and he had very long arched eyebrows with a gap between them where there was a vein which pulsated in moments of strong feeling. His eyes were black and wide set. He had long heavy eyelashes. His nose was aquiline and his mouth and lips were beautifully formed. His teeth, of which to took great care, were well set and would flash brilliant white when he smiled or laughed. He had broad even cheeks and a full thick black beard which had in it, at the time of his death, seventeen white hairs. His face was framed by luxuriant black hair which fell in waves to between his ears and shoulders, and which he would sometimes plait and sometimes let hang free. The translucence of his face was such that his anger or pleasure shone directly through it. His neck was neither short nor long and was the colour of silver mixed with gold. His hands had the texture of satin with broad palms and long fingers and they exuded a sweet scent which lingered on the things that he touched. His feet were high arched and his gait was like a man who walks down a slope with speed and modesty. So this is a confirmation of your dream. Your description of his hair and his smile also matches perfectly with the description of him in the hadith (check that book) and his physical characteristics. You really did see the Prophet, peace be upon him!

Angeleyez, in my honest opinion, this is a clear and open invitation for you to accept Islam. This is a clear sign. Islam is sooo simple.

In a nutshell: God is One, Unique, with no father, no son, and no wife or partner. He is Infinately Merciful. He sent prophets and messengers for the guidance of mankind, amongst many others; Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammed, the last prophet (peace be upon them all).

Angeleyez, if you believe this in your heart, then it is time for you to enter Islam right now. Just say "I testify that there is no god but God alone, and I testify that Muhammed is his messenger". If you say that and believe it, you are a Muslim!!

Do it sis! We're all here to help you with any questions or problems you might have!

mXr8icOB is offline


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