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Old 07-17-2012, 03:51 AM   #21

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Aha! An intelligent one comes forth bringing with him books weightier than the collective experience and wisdom of our Ulema.

Do you know that if it becomes fard al-Ayn, then it becomes one of the if not the highest priority obligations in Islam? Do you know that if it is so, one must march light or heavy, one goes regardless of permission from their parents, the debtor goes without the permission of the creditor, the woman without permission from her husband, and so on ...

Did you just implicate countless Ulema, Honorable Mashaikh, Awliyaa, other righteous members of the Ummah of Rasoolullaah saw, and the general 'awaam of open fisq, cowardice, and even the rejection of such a fard al-Ayn (that includes you too buddy)? If that's what you believe, and that's what you just did ... someone please ban him.

Do you believe it is fard al-Ayn, or are you just trying to be emotional, or to bait people into heated comments? If you really do believe it is fard al-Ayn and your hereafter is in question because of not acting upon it - why are you here? Seriously, why tippy-toe on the precipice of making your other ibaadaat baatil if that's what you believe?

Last post, seriously, really, I promi....

Short answer- Yes

Longer answer- did you read the book? It was written by Shaykh Azzam, a man whose expertise in jihad is questioned by no one. Go and ask your reliable scholars on his stature and his fataawa. Secondly, this books was signed by many people including Deobandi's. Thirdly, this book directly quotes the fataawa of all four madhabs on the issue! Go and ask your Mufti's with regards to this and see what they say!

All four madhabs agree that jihad is Fard Ayn when a Muslim land is invaded. And let me give you an example of how it works. Palestine is put under occupation- Jihad becomes Fard on all in the region. Days, weeks, years pass and it is still under occupation and the obligation extends to surrounding regions and decades pass and without doubt, by this time, the obligation has extended all over the world. This is from the books of your own ulema, or are you not a Hanafi as your profile states? Please come and discuss the issue from a fiqh perspective instead of giving me this 'do you think the Ulema are wrong' emotional type of argument that lacks logic or reason. Are you saying Ulema do not commit mistakes or sins? Seriously?

It is Fard Ayn, deal with it, it is in your own books and if you wish to say it is NOT Fard Ayn, then explain the statements of Ibn Abidin and Al Qurtubi and Ibn Taymiyyah which are found in Shaykh Azzam's book

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