The post above is exactly why I dislike Ulema not speaking the Haq regarding this subject- you get individuals like Vagabond who think jihad is not an obligation upon them and they respond with irrational thinking such as that above. We could have a long argument about this bro but I refuse to do so. Not unless you first explain to me the passages of the classical Ulema on this issue and only once you do so, will I continue to speak with you about this. Otherwise, you are disingenuous, a man who claims to be a Hanafi muqallid yet disregards classical Hanafi opinions regarding qitaal because his own Ulema are too scared to fight jihad or to speak on the subject itself. Remember, that the Ulema of Shaam never mentioned jihad either (majority of them) and now they cry for it. Staying silent on it is not the same as not believing in its obligation. And I think that just as the people of Iraq ran from qitaal, qitaal came to them and just as the people of Pakistan ran from qitaal, qitaal is coming to them and just as you run from qitaal, perhaps qitaal will come to you, in the form of an oppressor and you too will scream out for a helper from your Lord and perhaps then too, someone will sit on the other side of the world talking about sending money and how jihad is not fard upon him despite the clear quotes from classical Ulema on the subject