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Old 07-16-2012, 03:15 AM   #1

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Default Rejecting a Sunnah to differenciate oneself from the salafis... (niqab for instance)

I did hesitate before initiating this thread, but i have to admit that this issue is quite heavy on my mind. I also apologise as i really didn't know what title should be given...
I hope that i will receive some answers and that i will be understood despite my bad english ; please do avoid any dispute as this is not the purpose of this thread.

Today i read the whole discussion : Shaykh Ali Laraki Criticizes Deobandis and as i wanted to find some further informations on the Shaykh's position on niqab, i typed a quick research which lead me to those 2 discussions : A question on the niqab for the murabitun and : 'CALL IT AS IT IS!' by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi.
I read all of them... spent many hours and one may consider it as a waste of time, but i need to clarify all those things... and i do consider it quite important.

In the first thread (here) our brother is saying :
You should see of his reasons for women not to wear Niqab in the west [yes, some reasons were interesting but some were not]. One of them was Niqab is known to be resembling the Salafis and the Deobandis today. This is incorrect. No disrespect to the Shaykh, but he seems to have an 'issue' with the Deobandis and less with the Barelwis.
Can our brother direct us to this fatwa please ?

That's exactly the problem i am facing more and more... Sunnah being rejected because of the bad behaviour and disgusting da3wah of some so called "salafis"... But how did we arrive to this ? How will one even explain such a behaviour ?

Are we to neglect the luminous and great legacy of our master and beloved prophet, sallallahu 3alayhi wa sallam, because some others with whom we may not agree are grasping it ? If they are taking some sunan but not showing the good behaviour, shouldn't it be even more urgent for us to adhere to these sunan and strive to give it its haqq in order to correct the balance ? If we don't, are we not giving the kuffar an excuse to criticize those sunan ? (like saying : yeh you're right... that's not important, not good, not valuable and as "open minded muslims" we do not follow what they follow (ok... it may be an exageration, but still...)).

Is that the only way to differentiate ourselves from the so called salafi ? And by doing so, are we not actually differentiating ourselves from the sunnah more than anything else ?

And with what will we confront them if we let them the best that we have, i.e. the sunnah ?

If you got my point, al-hamdulillahi, then can you please provide some clarifications ? If you are from those who agree with the fact that we should abandon some sunan to differentiate ourselves from other deviated movements, please explain to us your view so that we may understand you better.
And if, in the contrary, you do not agree with that, please share your opinion and advises on what should be our behaviour towards it.

If my question needs more clarification, please let me know ; and don't disregard it. Jazakumullahu khayran.
Fi amanillahi
gennickO is offline


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