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Old 07-16-2012, 05:32 AM   #6

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Clarification: I do not consider the Shaykh's position to be ''batil'' or anything like that. Masha'Allah, the Shaykh is blessed and we, laymen, need to learn from him, insha'Allah.
Same here, insha'allahu. But can you please direct us to this fatwa so that we have a better idea ? Jazakallahu khayran.
Many reasons have been presented to "excuse" women from niqab, but that's something else (understood from the situation and circumstances). And Allah knows best.
This thread only deals with those who think that we should abandon a sunnah because it is resembling such and such...

Brother Abu Zakir, i heard many times - and this is indeed true - that some issues are more important than the way one is dressed. However, how it leads to discredit a sunnah i can't understand. Can't efforts be done to improve the state of the Ummah and at the same time cling to the sunnah of the most beloved one, sallallahu 3alayhi wa sallam, and of the pious mothers and the sahabiyat, radhiyallahu `anhunna ?
Also, why should the importance of a matter lead to belittle another one ? I don't get it. If the issue is not that important (i.e.: the size of the beard or the face veil), why can't we keep it at that and respect everyone whith their opinions and preferences ?
I won't go back to the previous discussion (in which no clarification was given on the qualification of the niqab...), but i would love to understand what lead this ummah to be so divided ? It is because some muslims blame the sunnah that non muslim have room for their discriminations. Just see what happened in France... what a shame, subhanallah...
Brother, can't we fight riba with a long beard and a niqab ?
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