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Old 07-16-2012, 08:34 AM   #11

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People have the wrong idea that if Salafis do it, it must be wrong. Salafis also pray 5 times a day so should we also stop doing that? Salafis also fast in Ramadhan, so should we stop doing that? Salafis also warn against zina, are against mixing of the sexes, etc. so should we stop warning against zina and promote mixing of the sexes (and some already do this latter aspect!)?

Just because the Salafis do or don't do something doesn't mean we should or shouldn't do it. The source of our Islam is the Qur'an and Sunnah as understood by the four madhahib. What the Salafis do or don't do should have zero bearing on our deen.
Nowadays many ignorant Sufi claimants mock the insistence on making Jamat in the Masjid, and growing the beard: because it's "Wahhabite" practice
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