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Old 07-17-2012, 06:47 AM   #15

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It is simply a matter of ignoring what you hear to what you have been taught to be true. The burden of proof only lies with the scholar and the lay person has no obligation and is relieved of this. So why attempt to comprehend issue that Allah has not given to you to deal with? La illaha illallah.
Jazakumullahu khayran. But what if you are facing this situation and this way of thinking ?
Al-hamdulillahi, i am now based in England, but the country i come from, and where i may have to go back at some point, has nothing to do with what you have here. Masha'allahu you have well established madaris, plenty masajid, great `ulama' (and real ones...), many students of knolwedge and people who can stand and fight for the sunnah... But in my country things are so different. The few shuyukh we have do not always stand with the truth... They don't always follow the dominant opinion of their madhhab (maliki)... and other things of the kind. On the other side, the salafis are quite well established over there... they probably represent the majority of the Ummah. This is the reason why you will have many people (even the "shuyukh") saying that neglecting some sunan to deferenciate from the " way" is actually something that we should do, and most of the time this will coincide with the dress code. They won't say it that way, of course they won't say "neglect a sunnah", but this is how i interpret and understand things. The way they would say it is more like the way Shaykh Laraki presented his opinion.

So i do get your point, but i feel things are not as perfect and simple as they may be here, in England.
I know a forum is not the ideal place to get the wisdom, but i felt as sunniforum was a good place for that... Allah Only knows if i was wrong.

Do you understand that i can't really ignore it, even if i wanted to, as those things are constantly coming my way ?

Hmm... this may not be clear enough. Khayr insha'allahu.
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