Shaykh Ali Laraki Criticizes Deobandis
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07-09-2012, 12:25 AM
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Nov 2005
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Just ignoring the tone of the critisicms and more to the points.
1) spread of Islam was never a proof of true tasawwuf. Just because there may have been some historical occurances or even patterns hardly relates the two in any concrete sense. To validate ones tasawwuf through the numbers of conversions is absurd.
2) in my research I found the inward looking Deobandi outlook to be a product of cololonaism. Sure not to blame it all on colonialism but due to the experience of the Indian Scholars against the British they did become inward looking as in let's care of our own house, our own Muslims, we need to preserve Islam in the lives of Indians. That was the main objective of establishment of deoband and TJ. Sure TJ has expanded beyond that and newer, younger Scholars from the Deobandi tradition have been moving from that inward looking mold into a more outward, big picture examination. It's a slow process and the colonial damages to the Indian Muslim community still linger on. It wasn't all that long ago. Their experience and conditions were not conducive towards establishing dawat into the nonmuslim community. Primary objective was self-preservation. What other option was there when thousands of scholars were being killed.
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