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Old 03-27-2010, 07:37 PM   #1

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Default 24 hrs Sin: To Shave the Beard or To Trim it Less than one fist in length

Dear Brothers in Islam .
A huge 24 hrs, Sin is that to Shave The Beard or to trim it Less than one fist in Length

A Muslim and 24 hrs Sin !,ah!
one should think of it , and do sincere Tooba From this SIN O MY BELOVED BROTHER

Not Fear From Any one , Make a full intention that I WILL NOT SHAVE OR TRIM THE BEARD Less Than One Fist In Length

Ask from Your Nafs?
Do we ashame of having Beard Like Our Beloved Nabi
If Suppose Our Beloved Nabi ask on the Day Of Judegment (Qayamat) when we are watching Our Beloved Nabi for Shifaát , that What you not make Face Like Me ? Why u make Face Like Heroes,Cricket or football player or any one who is shaving or trimming beard less than one fist in length

I am not giving any Fatawas or References , u ask ur self From Authentic Darul Ifta ,
It is Just Dard e Dil of Mine and My Shiekh Arif Billah Hazrat Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab Damat Barkatuhum and All AULIYA AND PIOUS People ,

May Allah Taála save all of us from this 24 Hrs Sin of Shaving BEARD and trimming less than one fist in length and all sins
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