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Old 03-28-2010, 01:49 AM   #12

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a. I heard Maulana Dhooma Saheb, who teaches Mishkaat and Tirmidhi Shareef in Madrasah Inaamiyah mentioning to me that two are such sins that they become perpetual. i.e untill you make tauba from them, you get the sin for it every moment. One is trailing your garment below the ankles and the second is triming your beard less than a fist (i.e not keeping the Shar'i length) [I believe it will apply to shaving as well, because that is haram according to all]

b. Brother Amal Karein has posts all his posts in amr bil ma'ruf and nahi anil munkar. Please read all his posts. So NO ONE should argue that he is emphacising on one sunnah or on sin more than the other. Not every post can contain ALL the good and ALL the bads. Sometime we need specific guidance and not just general chit chat. I encourage brother to continue posting these precious pieces..

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