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Old 04-01-2010, 03:21 PM   #40

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Nov 2005
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This is not a sin! Otherwise the Shafii Ulemas wouldn't have said it to be Sunnah...
It is Wajib TO Keep the beard One fist in length in the light of All 4 Imams
Imam Abu Hanifa,Imam Shafaii,Imam Malik,Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal
For Full Fatwa click here , in This Fatwa it is Mentioned:
In all schools of Islamic Law, it is considered wajib (mandatory) for a Muslim male to grow a beard. It is also wajib to let the beard grow a fist length. It is prohibited to cut or shave the beard. He who does so is a fasiq (sinner) and to shorten it less than a fist length is makrooh tahrimi (near haram). This is the view of the majority of scholars.
(see Wujoob I'efaaul-lihyah of Shaykhul Hadith, Ml. Muhammad Zakariyyah and the footnotes of ex-grand Mufti of Saudia - Shaykh ibn Baaz).
The opinions of the fours schools are In this Link.
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