Bro, I know Mufti Saheb.Yes what you have heard is true.Mufti Saheb by nature is a soft person.He is not strict like Moulana Desai.However,Bro as I said you should spend some time with him.Besides you have to consider your family background e.t.c. e.g. Muft Saheb might have chocolates in his house and he might give his madressa boys to eat,but he definitely would instruct you not to eat rainbow or goldi fillet e.t.c. so if you go to an uncles house who puts a samoosa with rainbow fillet on the table,you should be prepared to say no.Also strict on purdah e.t.c. And as i said earlier,when people here you bayt to mufti saheb they will prejiduce you.if you are prepared the go forward.But do not walk few steps and then turn your back. have attended few of his majalis-inspiring. was salam