Does anybody one this forum know him???
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08-08-2011, 03:15 PM
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Oct 2005
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Bismihi Ta'ala
Dear brother moosak,
My personal adivce is email the Shaykh with any and every question you have. Last month I heard a lecture from Hadhrat A.S Desai and in the lecture he was saying something along those lines.
I then got the email of Hadhrat A.S. Desai and emailed him with all the questions I had. I even asked him how old he was. Alhumdulillah he answered every single question, and he did so very promptly.
The thing is you should find out from the Shaikh himself.
Here is some advice from Hadhrat A.S. Desai that he sent to me:
It is extremely difficult in this era to find a genuine Shaikh who sincerely engages in the Islaah of his mureeds. Nowadays the emphasis is on halqah thikr and singing nazams. Most of the sheikhs themselves do not understand the meaning of Tasawwuf. They do not fulfil the rights of their mureeds nor do they understand what are the rights of their mureeds. They furthermore are careless and do not correctly observe the ahkaam of the Shariah. One has to be exceptionally careful when accepting a sheikh as one’s guide.
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