6 Qualities to be achieved by every Muslim
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04-25-2012, 10:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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3. Ilm (knowledge) and Dhikr (remembrance)
The way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم) and those regarded as Ulama or Fuqahah in regards to the commands of Allah and the Sunnah of every action, and then practised upon it; we should also ask Ulama or Fuqahah about the correct requirement from Allah and what is the Sunnah practice for every action.
To bring this reality into our lives we must:
a) Call towards the zeal and enthuasim of acquiring knowledge from the Ulama and Fuqahah; the way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal and enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم).
b) Read ‘fazail e amaal' to achieve the virtues of deeds, ‘Munkhtakab Ahadith’ to achieve the ilm of the 6 qualities, read ‘Hayatus Sahabah’ to achieve the correct training and only acquire knowledge from reliable scholars.
c) Make Dua to Allah that he gives us beneficial knowledge. What do we say about the dhikr part? i always struggle with that.
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