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Old 07-11-2012, 11:40 PM   #5

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State Schools also adjust your attitude they domesticate you make you fit into the mundane world, follow orders without too much effort, depend on others for your sense of self worth and someone who will regularly feel empty, depressed and sad so that they can escape into consumerism, entertainment, sex, drugs and rock and roll. This keeps the economy going and many people are employed to help you stay in the system.

Several reasons to send your children to a Muslim school or to Home Educate if you live in the West -


1. Personal and Social Education

- teaches the lie that homosexuality is normal,
- teaches the harmful idea that women should all have a 'career'
- teaches that zina is a normal recreational activity

2. Religious Education

- teaches culture as 'religion' and gives people the idea that religion is just about festivals and fancy clothes etc.

- shirk and kufr are shown as 'pretty cultures' .

-The mantra that 'people should not be limited by their traditions' is in the minds of most RE teachers.

3. History

- typically wrongly teaches that civilization and the modern world was built by white men (almost everyone else is kept out of the story unless they are a slave or a colonial subject).

4. Sciences

- science teachers definitely promoted materialist atheism when I was at school and as far as I have heard if anything things have gotten worse since then.

5. School Discos/Balls/Proms

- promote dancing, degenerate music, boyfriend-girlfiriend situations, encourage girls in dressing up in bad clothes so that they look like little prostitutes.

6. Sex Education

- promotes (zina) sex outside marriage is ok, when I was at school the sex educationalist showed young (13-14 year old) girls how to put a condom on a banana and implied that sodomoy was normal.

7. Teachers Attitudes and Influence

-Many teachers (not all) are Islamophobes moral deviants and heavy drinkers. their degenerate influence on pupils is often poisonous.

- Feminist teachers and Islamophobes target Muslim girls, befriend them and try to turn them against their religion and families (working by stealth) - this is not an exaggeration and because they are being pressurised subtly into evil by adult figures if they are weak willed they do not stand a chance.

- In addition many perverts are working in British state schools.

8. Pupils influence on each other

- they teach each other swearing, smoking, alcohol and drugs, swap degenerate ideas about sex, the worst pupils drag down the others to their level - those who try to stay good get bullied.

- Girls who wear hijab are pressurised to start dressing like sluts - many end up dressing like angels when they leave home and by the time they get off the bus for school have taken off their hijab and put on their makeup.

- Muslim boys are often dragged into smoking, violence, gangs and end up connected through their school freinds to alcohol and drugs and also to degenerate music and situations leading to zina.
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