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Old 07-07-2012, 10:15 PM   #5

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High energy physics or particle physics is about the smallest constituents of the matter that we see around.
This much should have been clear by now. And you also must have heard about the electron, the proton and the neutron.
Electrons move around the nucleus and the protons and the neutrons constitute the nucleus.
This too is from high school.

Electrons are fundamental in the sense that these are not made of smaller things.
Protons and neutrons are not fundamental.
These are made of smaller things. These are called quarks.

And if you have heard of a gentleman called Einstein then kindly note it down that he did not get his Nobel Prize of relativity but some thing called photo-electric effect. This effect basically proves that light also consists of some particles called photons.

In all probability you have heard of that also. So why do you feel that you do not know particle physics. We are nearly there.

But do not forget to spend a few moments admiring the intricacies placed by Allah (SWT) at such small levels of matter.

Matter this most insignificant thing in the scheme of things near Allah (SWT)!

And your gaze returns to thee, dazzled, a weary!
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