Where is Higgs Located in Scheme of Things?
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07-07-2012, 10:21 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
If you are still around then we may ask whether you have heard of gravitation.
Of course you have heard. That is weakest of four fundamental interactions.
Here you might have two objections. How can gravitation be weak. A journalist asked a physicist whether he has fallen from second floor. If not then will you still say that gravitation is the weakest? Well that is the technical conclusion.
Your another objection might be about new term - four fundamental interactions.
Well you should not complain for you already know two of them. One is gravitation and another is electromagnetic interaction. You know that also. Electricity, magnetism, light - all three of them are covered by this topic.
So two remain. These two are called weak and strong interactions.
These are easy names to remember.
These interactions are taking place inside the nucleus or smaller distances.
See we are still using high school.
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