I'd say in short that it's all about how you react to what befalls over you. If something "good" happens to you and you give thanks to Allah, that was a blessing. If something "bad" happens to you and you persevere with sabr and ask Him for help and accept his Qadr, that too will become a "blessing" for you, as you turned to Allah then too. While, If something "good" happens to you and you grow kibr in your heart, that was actually a curse for you. If something "bad" happens to you and you don't turn to Allah for help or "complain" to him, that indeed was a curse. So "good" and "bad" in reality are such according to how we "react" to them. Everything in this life is a test, both "good" happenings and "bad" ones. You don't know "why" you are tested nor what's there hidden for you in the future, nor you can know already now in this life if you'll be saved or not, but you know how to "react" to pass these tests: always remembering Allah in every condition and submitting to him.. And Allah knows best.