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Old 07-03-2012, 07:21 PM   #25

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I hold no views, to understand whats going on in pakistan, reading up on the events that culminated into this backlash of internal war, is important for me. I am doing my own bit of research (you'll have to trust me when i say i am doing it with an open mind) and i include everyone and anyone with any knowledge (or who have been directly affected by the war) in fact the the thread u talk about (khurooj etc) was because i wanted to know the hanafi/deobandi POV as opposed to the Salafi (saudi ullama) in light of today's happenings ie TTP. But I only got emotional outbursts and some takfeeris. Anyway this article had some enlightening points, and since we've been discussing these issues on SF I shared it.
As far as I remember I quoted references on it from the very tafasir or akabir ulema e Deoband including Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani ru and Mufti Shafi sb ru. They all agree on the fact that a Muslim commits heresy if he sides with the Jews and the Christians against the Muslims. As for Khurooj I quoted Mufti Shamzayi sb's fatwa along with other ulema's fatwa who gave the ruling to take Musharraf's government down and they labelled it as 'Wajib'!

The concept of Khurooj is not only of the Salafis. Our pious predecessors did it starting from Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A then Hazrat Zaid bin Ali during Imam Abu Hanifah's time who was supported by the imam himself, there are instances of it in Imam Ibn Taymiyyah's life. As for the Deobandis, read the fatwa of Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madni ru.

These are mere doubts because we 'love' Pakistan and call upon the unislamic notion of our countries' integrity and sovereignity above Islamic principles.

p.s if you are researching so much about this issue read the book by the journalist who was killed (as he reached the truth), his name is Saleem Shahzad. He was killed after writing this book here. I call upon everyone to read it!
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