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Old 06-02-2012, 09:49 PM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Assalamu Alaikum dear sister,

I follow the Quran and the authentic transmissions of the sunnah. I follow the opinions of the 4 great imams in addition to the other fiqh of the great scholars of the salaf that conforms with Quran and authentic ahadith.

I don’t like the rigidity of following only one imam on minor issues. Great debates and bloodshed have been spilled for centuries as a result of favouritism of one madhab over the other due to minor issues and served as divisions in the ummah. But having said that, I don’t believe that just because a scholar is salafi, it suggests he/she automatically is more religious than a hanafi scholar. Yes, I do support their strict stance on bidah as:

It was narrated on the authority of Abu Najih al-Irbad bin Sariyah, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said:

"The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, delivered an admonition that made our hearts fearful and our eyes tearful. We said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as if this were a farewell sermon, so advise us." He said, "I enjoin you to have Taqwa of Allah and that you listen and obey, even if a slave is made a ruler over you. He among you who lives long enough will see many differences. So for you is to observe my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-principled and rightly-guided successors, holding on to them with your molar teeth. Beware of newly-introduced matters, for every innovation (bid'ah) is an error." [Abu Dawud & Al-Tirmidhi, who says it is an authentic hadith]

I believe that as long as we are following the general consensus of the salaf I.e the ahlus as sunnah al jamaah, we will be fine Inshallah.

I think Sheikh Bilal Phillips is a wonderful salafi scholar that teaches sharia minded orthodox islam.

Heres his website where his running classes:

But I still got a lot to learn and a long way to go before I even finish one module in his curriculum, please make dua for me. I will also do likewise for you Inshallah.

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