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Old 06-18-2012, 09:16 PM   #5

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Oct 2005
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i read this in salafis ibadhas. i like salafis ibadha. they are very religious....i am deciding to move from hanafi to salafi..

because last night i was listening to one of the lectures on isra wal miraj and one sentence of salafi's shaykh making me to move to salafi..shaykh said people of different group says don't do this/that in rajab and don't do ibadha in rajab it's all innovation..then he said let them say they don't do ibadha instead they watch Tv..and this so true though..and he further said they are earning gunah and we do ibadha and we get ajar..this sentence opened my eyes and reminded me the importance of doing ibaadha in this very sacred month.../

..for the reminder of ibadha/dua..

I wonder who said not to worship in the month of rajab. In fact one should use this month and coming month to get more prepared for the month of ramadhan. Allahu alam
Let Allah SWT guide us. Ameen
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