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Old 06-18-2012, 10:11 PM   #17

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Oct 2005
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Oh yeah I got it you mean like how ahlesunnah have different madhabs but there is nothing here like which madhab is right. All are right in their sense and in acceptable and so we cannot call them as sub-groups in terms of calling one is right and the other is wrong. Anyways salafis too come under ahlesunnah I think.

First and foremost as you trust Allah SWT and you believe in istikhara salah, I humbly request you to pray this salah and seek His help.

If you need any clarification and you have doubts in being a hanafi or shafii etc, you can ask here inshaaAllah. I hope inshaaAllah you will get clarified.

Also try to read this

for spending ur precious time with me..May Allah swt. give u ajar for this..
tattcasetle is offline


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