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Old 07-05-2012, 02:51 AM   #25

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wa alaykum salaam akhi

you cannot use "there would be thousands of scholars doing it" as an evidence, nowhere in time history of islam has any major scholar utilised this as an evidence. Our religion is clear in terms of its sources and evidences

I said scholars CANT smash tombs because they dont have the authority. The new rulers in Mali are RULERS so they have the authrotity to do it. Definitely we have many classical scholars including the four imams advocating smashing graves and how many scholars do you have who have been opposed to the smashing of graves? the muslim world is rampant with misguidance now, dont look to what present day muslims are doing, look to the likes of ibn hajr al asqalani, ibn taimiyyah, imam shaafi, ibn kathir, imam abu hanifah, imam nawawi and so on. these are our references. not modern day mulsims. you cant expect me to oppose the demolition of graves on the basis that the likes of the ahbash, haqqanis and barelwiyyah dont oppose it (unfortunately they form majorities now). Deobandi ulema and salafi ulema oppose it.

How would salafis in their attitude towards ibn taimiyyah fall foul of the hadeeth concerning jews and christians taking their graves as places of worship? What act of worship do salafis give to ibn taimiyyah? Sajda? tawassul? Khawf? Rajaa'? Nadhr? we dont give any sort of worship to ibn taimiyyah, he is a human being. the salafis demolish the house of shaikh muhammad ibn abdal wahhab to show that he is nothing, he is not a deity, his house means nothing, its just bricks. whatmatters is his legacy, which can be found in his biography and his works. As for his soul, it is awaiting judgement and he is in no position to be helping anyone else. And this is one of our most beloved shaikhs. we are all nothing. Allah can crush us like dust. Do you really think tehse monuments mean anything? Have you read the condition of mali? How people are fleeing "the islamists" because they miss their french secular education and ability to commit haraam which shariah prohibbits? What good does this tawagheet do them? It has brought nothing to Mali except superstition
For me its not so much an issue of removing the domes and structures brothers, its more an issue of how people are doing it with hammers and agression like they are destroying an idol, not like they are removing something from a Muslim's grave.

If they want to do it they should do it respectfully to a Muslim's grave and get a builder to do it in the politest manner that they can.

They are people's graves, people mustn't do such things with the contempt that they are doing it, especially as in many of these cases they have grand children still alive.
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