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07-05-2012, 01:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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I just refered As-Salabee's biography of Abu Bakr As-Sideeq(ra) for the details, here is the summary of what happened.
Abu Bakr(ra) send
four armies
to Ash-Sham against the romans.
-Yazeed ibn Abee Sufyaan(ra) (around 7000) to Damascus
-Shurahbeel ibn Hasana(ra) (around 3000) to Busarah
-Abu Ubaida ibn Al-Jarrah(ra) (around 4000) to Hims (present day Homs in Syria)
Amr bin Al Aas
(ra) (around 8000) to Palestine
Amr bin Al Aas(ra) when they reached near the dead sea, sent an army of 1000 with Abdullah ibn Umar(ra) as leader. They succeeded in scattering the opposing army. But this was a
of the Roman Emperor Heraclius
to draw the Muslim army deep into As-Sham
. He then sent his brother Tadhariq with an army of 90,000 thousand to fight Amr bin al aas(ra)'s army. Similarly he sent huge armies to the rest of the three Muslim armies too.
They all requested Abu Bakr (ra) for reinforcement
Amr(ra) wrote to Abu Bakr(ra) describing the increasingly dangerous situation in Ash-Sham.
Abu Bakr(ra) replied:
Your letter, in which you describe the gathering of Roman forces, has reached me. Verily, when we were with the Prophet
, Allah Ta'ala granted us victory, but not by providing us with a great many soldiers. We used to fight alongside the Messenger of Allah
when we had with us only two horses; and we would have to take turns riding on camels. On the Day of Uhud, we were with the Messenger of Allah
, and we had with us only a single horse, which the Messenger of Allah
would ride. And yet, Allah Ta'ala would grant us victory and help us against those who oppose us. O Amr, know that the most obedient of people to Allah Ta'ala is the one that despises sins the most. So obey Allah, and order your companions to obey Him."
Abu bakr (ra) then summoned people from Madina to join the 4 armies as reinforcement. Many joined them. But still as the four armies monitored the movements of the Roman forces, they were astonished by the huge army which greatly outnumbered them and the four armies were separated that they couldn't help each other.
The leaders of the four armies then met to discuss and sent letter to the Khalifa Abu bakr(ra).
They were advised to withdraw and meet in a single location at Yarmook as it had strategic importance
. All the three armies were able to withdraw but
Amr(ra)'s army clashed with the enemy in Palestine.
In the mean time
Khalid bin Waleed
(ra) was in
, he was called by Abu Bakr(ra) to go to Yarmouk. He was to lead all the four armies against the Romans. But when Khalid bin Waleed(ra) reached Yarmouk only three of the armies had reached, Amr bin al-aas(ra)'s army(the 8000) was being pursued by the romans in Palestine making it difficult for him to retreat. Khalid bin Waleed(ra) asked Amr(ra) to slow down his retreat as He decided himself to go help Amr(ra). Soon Khalid(ra)'s army reached Amr(ra) togather made up of around 30,000 men, but still was outnumbered by the Roman army. This battle was known as
Battle of Ajnaadain
. The Muslim army dominated over the Roman army. Infact,
one unit penetrated the Roman army so deep that they were able to kill the Roman leader
, the Roman army gave up and fled after their leader was killed. Hence giving victory for Muslims in the first Major battle in As-Sham.
Here is Khalid ibn Waleed(ra)'s letter to Abu Bakr(ra) informing the victory:
After this the Battle of Yarmouk took place, which the Muslims eventually won.
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