ok well thats a good thing bro jazak allahu khair, i never said they represent real sufis or sufi beliefs, I picked up the term extreme sufi from others here, meaning they have taken sufism and taken it to extremes, but I dont mind what term I shoudl use for them if you can suggest another inshAllah. Ahlal bid'ah got me an infraction yesterday so please suggest something inshAllah Also bare in mind taht I have been on the opposite end of this discussion regarding salafis for a long time here, asking people to be more just etc, and people basically told me to stop complaining ratehr than actually say what your saying now. So it seems unfair to me taht brotehrs would be concerned with fairness when it comes to sufis but not salafis (not saying you do this but otehrs do). People are more than happy to link salafis to all sorts, basing their understanding of salafis on front page news, or some guy they met in the masjid, or extreme offshoots that dont represent teh salafi jama'ah. So there needs to be consistency on application of principles if you catch my drift. if this clarification is made for sufis, same should apply for salafis