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Old 07-04-2012, 08:06 AM   #11

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There is the spirit of the law and the letter of the law...if the spirit is missing we get a rigid and harsh law, if the letter is missing we get too much tolerance and everything becomes permissible. Balance is needed in particular situations and only a very enlightened and aware man will know when to choose a particular method over another. Rasulullah had his wives (RA) argue with him sometimes, and he is the noblest the hadith kind of shows this side of his character, yet he also separated himself from them for a month...which shows another side to his character.
Your efforts are appreciated, however, I am seeing a trend here.

So whats wrong with people, anywhere I look everyone is talking about how nice men need to be with their wife? What is it that Muslims are feeling guilty about? Is it that the media campaign that Muslim women are victimised making us believe that, or is it the womans right movement? How many Muslim men do you know who really beat their wife just for kicks, I do not know even a single one? Finally, there might be some men who hit their wifes, but what about mental torturing a lot of men go through, even when they provide everything for their wife? I guess thats not on the agenda, correct?
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