I also find the notion of a ''Shariah-State'' laughable when we have people writing books upon books upon books on how another sect of Muslims is guilty of disbelief and innovation. I even know of people in the sub-continent in countries like Pakistan who refuse to pray in certain mosques and certain Imams because they belong to a different sect? Forget that - some of these people don't even think the opposing members of a different sect are even Muslim! So I humbly ask whose fiqh are we going to adopt in this Shariah State? What about the other fiqhi opinions that will be different from the one the State will adopt - will they use their legality just because the ''State'' deems it so? Whose ulema are going to be consulted from which schools of thought? These are just a few questions... Is someone seriously going to suggest to let people like this control the State so they can declare anyone who disagrees with them an apostate and use that as a political weapon to silence dissent. I don't mind people who want to bicker over whose a ''kafir'' and who isn't as long as they don't have any real power to exercise.