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06-24-2012, 01:06 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
025.1 (Mawardi: ) The reason the office of supreme
leadership has been established in Sacred
Law is to fulfill the caliphal successorship to
prophethood in preserving the religion and managing
this-worldly affairs.
The investiture of
someone from the Islamic Community (Umma)
able to fulfill the duties of the caliphate is obligatory
scholarly consensus
(def: b7), though
scholars differ as to whether its obligatory character
is established through reason or through
Revealed Law. Some say that it is obligatory by
human reason, because of the agreement of
rational individuals to have a leader to prevent
them from wronging one another and to come between
them when conflict and arguments arise.
Without authorities, there would be a chaos of
neglected people and a disorderly mob. Others
hold that it is obligatory not through reason, but
rather through Sacred Law, for the caliph performs
functions that human reason might not
otherwise deem ethically imperative, and which
are not entailed by reason alone, for reason
merely requires that rational beings refrain from
reciprocal oppression and strife, such that each
individual conform with the demands of fairness
in behaving towards others with justice and social
cohesion, each evaluating their course with their
own mind, not anyone else 's, whereas Sacred Law
stipulates that human concerns be consigned to
the person religiously responsible for them. Allah
Mighty and Majestic says,
"You who believe, obey Allah and obey the
Prophet and those of authority among you"
(Koran 4:59),
thereby obliging us to obey those in command.
namely the leader with authority over us. Abu
Hurayra relates that
the Prophet (Allah bless him
and give him peace) said.
"Leaders shall rule you after me, the godfearing
of them ruling you with godfearingness and the
. profligate ruling you with wickedness. So listen to
them and obey them in everything that is right; for
if they do well, it will count for you and for them,
and if they do badly. it will count for you and
against them."
(al-Ahkam al-sultaniyya wa al-wilayat al-diniyya (y87),5-6)
The hadith was reported by Imam Muslim on the authority of Nafi' that the
Messenger (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said:
''The one who removes his hand from obedience he will meet Allah without a proof for himself' and
Whosoever dies without a bay'ah
on his neck
dies the death of Jahiliyyah
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