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Old 02-21-2008, 02:52 AM   #27

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Oct 2005
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Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah,

If the Mashaikh of the blessed effort of Dawat and Tabligh would understand that being engaged in the before-mentioned effort is totally sufficient, they wouldn't give bay'ah. Or am I wrong?

In my opinion Tabligh is there to teach people the basics of 'Aqeedah, of Fiqh and of Tasawwuf and to encourage the laymen to go and learn more about these 3 parts of Allah's Deen. Because it's not possible for every Muslim to become a Mutakallim, Faqih or Arif. At the other hand like brother Abu Hajira mentioned I believe as well that one can attain un-certain levels of wilaya and ihsaan through sticking to those things he mentioned, because to what else could a Shaykh encourage you?

At the end of the day we are all forced to say "W'Allahu Alam", because Allah alone knows which of his slaves he accepts through which effort. Maulana Yusuf (Rahimullah) always made the following Du'a: "Ya' Allah! Accept me for the effort through which a human becomes your wali."

p.s. Wouldn't it be ignorance of the Sufi-e-Kraam to claim that the goal of Tasawwuf (may it be Ihsan or "being with Allah") can be reached only through ONE way?

Was Salam
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