sidi Salman, Hasil e Behes... The endavours of the khankahi mizaaj, may it be shadhiliyya or Chishtiyya is undoubted.. What is in discussion is Tablighiyya .. Which in fact, is not tablighiyyah but chishtiyyah more and any one of others from among naqshbandiya, qadriya and suhurwardiyyah etc.. Perhaps the reason why you have judged Tablighi Jamaat being inferior to any khankah is because you have only considered it Zahiri Surat and that too in Western World. or perhaps you have not come across Arifeen Kamileem within the Tablighis.. Mufti Memood Gangohi r.a was perhaps the most famous.. Majority of the Akabireen of Tablighi Jamaat in the Marakiz are indeed of high levels of ma'rifa. Albeit, we have less knowledge of it because of our ignorance. Maulana Inaamul Hassan r.a was a giant in Hadeeth along with his spiritual level.. but how many know of him being a Muhaddith? He chose to fulfil the task of tabligh to awaam and served a life sentence in it.. All the levels that you are talking about, after which a sheikh can be called a Kamil sheikh.. have been achieved by some chosen among the Tablighi Mashaikh as well. They are also aware of the vessel of ma'rifa. Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel db. of Durban is a shining example for you.. He started out in Tabligh in a two man's team.. his excellence in Tabligh and in Tasawwuf in incomparible in whole of South Africa. And indeeed you know as I do, that majority of those of true Ma'arifa.. who have indeed gone the full mile, are rarely exposed to the awaam like us. Thus for us to limit such mahaasil only to the specifics in the circles of traditional khankahi nizaams is naive. A factoid : Numerous elders in Raiwind are such that they give 3 days per month to their homes... like awaam give 3 days per month to Tablighi work.. These elders are spend 25-27 days per month in the markaz under the honored Mashaikh... If you add that to even a meger 10 years of service under the sheikh.. The "condition" of being under the solace tutelage of the sheikh is aptly fulfilled. Now beyond that , Allah gives Ma'rifa , Laqaa, Baqaa, Fanaa.. to whome ever He so wishes..