Commonly narrated fabricated hadiths
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12-04-2009, 05:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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Source :
Author : Mufti Yusuf Abdur Razzaq ( son of Dr. Abdur Razzaq Iskandar Hafidhahullah )
One such fabrication is common in Urdu language
”اے میرے بندے! ایک تیری چاہت ہے اور ایک میری چاہت ہے، اگر تو میری چاہت پر اپنی چاہت کو قربان کردے تو میں تیری چاہت میں تیری کفایت کروں گا اور ہوگا وہی جو میں چاہوں گا۔ اور اگر تو میری چاہت پر اپنی چاہت کو قربان نہ کرے‘ تو میں تم کو تیری چاہت میں تھکا دونگا اور ہوگا وہی جو میں چاہوں گا“۔
Translation is :
"O my slave, there is your intention, and there is my intention , if you sacrifice your intentions over mine, then I will help in your intentions, and only that what is my intention will happen. And if you do not sacrifice your intentions over mine, then I will tire you in pursuit of what you intend... and only that will happen what I like."
Just to add, there are different versions of this fabrication , this is the shortest one. Read the Article above for research over it. I've been in pursuit of this fabrication since 2000, when it became popular with the song of a Pakistani Singer "Jawwad Ahmad".
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