by Imam Lukhnawi, منها ما يذكره الوعاظ من أن النبي كان عالما بالقرآن بتمامه وتاليا له من حين ولادته وإن معنى قوله ما أنا قارئ في جواب قول وجبريل له عند بدء الوحي اقرأ علي ما ورد في صحيح البخاري وغيره إني لا أقرأ بأمرك فإني عالم به وقارئ من قبل هذا فرية بلا مرية تكذبها الآيات القرآنية والأخبار النبوية منها ما يذكرونه من أنه لم يكن أميا بل كان قادرا على الكتابة والتلاوة من ابتداء الفطرة وهذا قول مخالف للكتاب والسنة بل وإجماع الأمة فلا عبرة به عند أرباب الفطنة ومنها ما يذكرونه عند ذكر حسن "One of them is what is mentioned by the sermonizers that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) knew the whole Qur’an and recited it from his birth. As far as his saying ‘I am not a reader’ in the response of Gabriel (may the peace of Allah be upon him) at the time of first revelation which is narrated by Sahih Bukhari and others, it means (according to these sermonizers): I (the Prophet) will not read with your order as I know it already and recite it regularly. This is no doubt fabrication rejected by the Qur’anic verses and Prophetic traditions. Also, they say that he was not illiterate; rather he was able to write and recite by nature. This is also opposed to the Qur’an, Sunnah and even the unanimity (Ijma) of the Ummah; therefore it has no significance in the eyes of the intelligentsia."
Imam 'Abd al-Hay Lukhnawi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes at another place in Al-Athar al-Marfu’a, الآثار المرفوعة ج:1 ص:42 وقال أيضا قبل ذلك بأوراق عديدة أما ما ذكر من أن الله قبض من نور وجهه قبضة ونظر إليها فعرقت وذلقت فخلق الله من كل نقطة نبيا وإن القبضة كانت هي النبي وإنه كان كوكبا دريا وإن العالم كله خلق منه وإنه كان موجودا قبل أن يخلق أبواه وإنه كان يحفظ القرآن قبل أن يأتيه جبريل وأمثال هذه الأمور فقال الحافظ أبو العباس أحمد بن تيمية في فتاويه ونقله الحافظ ابن كثير في تاريخه وأقره كل ذلك كذب مفترى باتفاق أهل العلم بحديثه انتهى “As far as what is mentioned that Allah Most High picked up a handful from the light of Himself and cast a look at it, so it perspired and dropped, so Allah created out of every drop a prophet. The handful was the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), he was like a brilliant star and the entire world was created out of it. He was present before his parents were born and he committed the Qur’an to his memory before Gabriel came to him and so on. Hafiz Abul Abbas Ahmad bin Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in his Fatawa and Hafiz ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) in his History that all these things are fabricated lies according to all scholars.” [Al-Athar al-Marfu’a, 1:42]