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Old 12-04-2009, 06:42 AM   #4

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Taken from here. May be compiled by a person you don't agree with, but I suppose better to avoid narrating these ahadeeth unless proven otherwise.

Some of the hadeeth below are labeled fabricated/baseless, and some are very weak. I am posting them both as Mufti Husain sahab says that the ruling is the same for them when it comes to quoting them.

Compiled by Shaykh Ihsan Al-`Utaibi (May Allah preserve him)

12 - Whoever sleeps after 'Asr and loses his mind should blame none but himself. Ibn Al-Jawzi mentioned it in his book of fabricated traditions "Al-Mawdo'at" (3/69), and Al-Suyuti in "Al-La'ali' Al-Masnoo'a" (2/279), and Al-Dhahabi in "Tarteeb Al-Mawdoo'at" (839)

16 - Disagreement amongst my Ummah is a mercy. Fabricated "Al-Asrar Al-Marfoo'a" (506), "Tanzeeh Al-Sharee'a" (2/402), and Al-Albani said: it is baseless "Al-Da'eefa" (11)

17 - My Companions are like the stars; whichever of them you follow, you will be rightly guided, and in another narration: My Companions are like the stars; whichever of them you take his opinion, you will be rightly guided. Ibn Hazm said: a fabricated void false tradition, that was never found to be authentic "Al-Ihkaam fee Usool Al-Ahkaam" (5/64), and (6/82). Al-Albani said: Fabricated "Al-Da'eefa" (66), and see also "Jami' Bayan Al-Ilm wa Fadlih" by ibn Abdilbar (2/91)

18 - He, who knows himself, knows his Lord. Fabricated "Al-Asrar Al-Marfoo'a" (506), "Tanzeeh Al-Sharee'a" (2/402), and "Tazkirat Al-Mawdoo'at" (11)

32 - One Hour of Contemplation is better than Sixty years of Worship. Fabricated; "Tanzeeh Al-Sharee'a" (2/305), "Al-Fawaid Al-Majmoo'a" (723), and "Tarteeb Al-Mawdoo'at" (964)

37 - If not for you (O Muhammad!) I would not have created this World (dunia). Fabricated; "Al-Lo'lo' Al-Marsuu' " by Al-Mishmishi (454), "Tarteeb Al-Mawdoo'at" (196), and "Al-Da'eefa" (282)

63 - 'O Jibreel, describe for me the Fire, and tell me about Hell. So Jibreel said: Allah Ta'ala fanned jahannam (Hell) for a thousand years until its color turned red. Thereafter he fanned it for a thousand years until its color turned white. He then fanned it for another thousand years until it turned black in color. So it is absolutely black… [Long hadith]. Fabricated; "Al-Haythami" (10/387), and "Al-Da'eefa" (910)

66 - The Substitutes (Al-Abdaal) in this Community (Ummah) are thirty like Ibrahim the Friend of the Merciful. Every time one of them dies, Allah substitutes another one in his place. Fabricated; "Al-Asraar Al-Marfoo'a" by Ali Al-Qari (470), "Tameez Al-Tayib min Al-Khabeeth" by ibn Al-Dayba' (7), and "Al-Manaar Al-Maneef" by ibn Al-Qayim (308)

71 - The (evil) gaze is a (poisonous) arrow from the arrows of Iblis (Satan). He that abstains from it out of my fear, I will grant him in return such Imaan (faith), the sweetness of which he will experience within his heart. Very weak; "Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb" by Al-Munziri (4/106), "Majma' Al-Zawai'd" by Al-Haythami (8/63), and "Talkhees Al-Mustadrak" by Al-Dhahabi (4/314)

78 - Love of this world (dunia) is the root of all evil. Fabricated; "Ahadeeth Al-Qasaas" by ibn Taymiyah (7), "Al-Asraar Al-Marfoo'a" (1/163), and "Tazkirat Al-Mawdoo'at" (173)

80 - Everything has a bride, and the bride of the Quran is Surah Al Rahman. Rejected (Munkar); "Al-Da'eefa" (1350)

85 - The grip (the treatment) of the Angel of Death is harder/harsher than thousand strikes of a sword. Very Weak; "Tarteeb Al-Mawdoo'at" by Al-Dhahabi (1071), and "Al-Mawdoo'at" by ibn Al-Jawzi (3/220)

90 - Do not let water be the last of your meal. Baseless; "Al-Da'eefa" (2096)

91 - Truly, hearts rust just as iron rusts, and their polishing is Istighfar (seeking forgiveness). Fabricated; "Zakherat Al-Hufaz" (2/1978), and "Al-Da'eefa" (2242)

92 - We have come back from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad. Baseless; "Al-Asraar Al-Marfoo'a" (211), and "Tazkirat Al-Mawdoo'at" by Al-Fitni (191)

94 - `Abd Ar-Rahman Ibn `Awf enters Paradise crawling. Fabricated; "Al-Manaar Al-Maneef" by ibn Al-Qayim (306), and "Al-Fawaid Al-Majmoo'a" by Al-Shawkani (1184)

And Allaah knows best.
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