Well, al-Dhahabi himself writes a very similar (if not exactly the same) hadith in his book on Kabair (great sins), in the section on "Neglecting Salah." One difference I could see is, the hadith in this book mentions fourteen punishments (five punishments in this world instead of six, and then three when he is dying, three in the grave and three when he emerges form the grave). He does not say it is authentic; but he included it in his book anyway. In this section he is trying to explain how great a sin it is to neglect salah.
There are two edition of al-Kabair. The famous big one, with many fabrications in it. A smaller one, free of such fabrications. Contemporaries differ as to which one is the actual book of Allamah Dhahabi, however many feel that the second book is really his, while the first one isn't. The second one could be downloaded from this page. Select اضغط هنا And Allah Ta'ala knows best
There exist two different copies of al-Kabair of ad-Dhahabi. One full of forgeries and very weak narrations, which cannot be properly ascribed to him. This is famous copy of the book. The more authentic edition is the shorter one, without the forgeries. This hadith isn't in the shorter one. And Allah Ta'ala knows best