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Old 12-06-2009, 10:47 AM   #26

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The needle of Sayyida Aisha and smile of Sayyidina Muhammad

Assalam o alaykum,

'Allamah Sarfaraz Khan Safdar (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions in Itmam al-Burhan 3:46 that this narration has no basis. He quotes 'Allamah Abd al-Hay Lukhanawi (may Allah have mercy on him) as follow,

الآثار المرفوعة ج:1 ص:44
ومنها ما يذكره الوعاظ عند ذكر الحسن المحمدي أنه في ليلة من الليالي سقطت من يد عائشة إبرته ففقدت فالتمستها ولم تجد فضحك النبي وخرجت لمعة أسنانه فأضاءت الحجرة ورأت عائشة بذلك الضوء إبرته هذا وإن كان مذكورا في معارج النبوة وغيره من كتب السيرالجامعة للرطب واليابس فلا يستند بكل ما فيها إلا النائم والناعس ولكنه لم يثبت رواية ودراية

"One of these lies is what the preachers mention while narrating the Prophet’s charm that one night Sayyida Ayisha (may Allah be pleased with her) lost her needle, so looked for it and could not find it until the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) laughed and burst the radiance of his teeth which lighted the chamber and Ayisha searched her needle in its light. This although is mentioned in Ma’arij al-Nubuwwah and most books of siyar that combines both proper and improper (dry and fresh), therefore none will regard it as proof except a person fast asleep or one who is drowsy but it is neither verified by narration nor by practicality”

[Al-Athar al-Marfu’a, 1:44-45]

Also 'Allamah Sayyid Sulayman Nadwi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in Sirat al-Nabi 3:166 that this narration is a clear-cut lie.
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