Commonly narrated fabricated hadiths
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12-08-2009, 12:33 AM
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Imam Abd al-Hayy Lakhnawi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in
Al-Athar al-Marfu'ah
الآثار المرفوعة ج:1 ص:41
ومنها ما يذكرونه من أن النبي يحضر بنفسه في مجالس وعظ مولده عند ذكر مولده وبنوا عليه القيام عند ذكر المولد تعظيما وإكراما وهذا أيضا من الأباطيل لم يثبت ذلك بدليل ومجرد الاحتمال والإمكان خارج عن حد البيان وأمثال هذه القصص التي ذكرناها كثيرة تذكرها وعاظ الفضل المحمدي والمولد الأحمدي مع اختلاقها وعدم ثبوتها ظنا منهم أن في ذكر جلالة القدر المحمدي ثوابا عظيما وفضلا جسيما غافلين عما يترتب من الإثم العظيم على من كذب على النبي عليه
"One of them is what they mention that the Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) attends personally the functions held on his birthday when his birth is mentioned. Based on this, they started standing while mentioning his birth as respect and honour. This is also baseless not supported by any proof. Mere possibility and likelihood is out of explanation. Such stories abound which are mentioned by the sermonizers of the Prophetic excellence and his birth despite these stories being fabricated and false. They think that mentioning the exalted position of the Prophet has great rewards and enormous virtue; they are unaware of the great sin that will follow in associating lie to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)."
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